Carl La Russa
Blog 22: Mentorship
1.) Literal
- Del Shindell, my mentor's house.
- Having worked with my mentor for almost a year now, has taught me a lot of things about vehicle tracking and how it works. The most important thing that I've gotten out of my mentorship is being able to research a topic quickly and apply that research to reality whether I was installing tracking units, opening them up and diagnosing problems, or helping customers with questions they might have about vehicle tracking. Through my mnetorship, I was able to present what I had found more fluently to my classmates helping them paint a better picture of what I do during my mentorship in their heads. Having some solid research already in mind helped me further my research into my topic and find important information related to my EQ.
- By completing my mentorship, I've been able to gain knowledge that people who just read articles and websites on my topic would've never been able to acquire. My EQ, "Who benefits most from vehicle tracking software?" has been easy to find answers for, but as for the answers, its been difficult to find research to back them up. This is where my mentor and all the people that I've talked to about my topic have provided me with answers and reasons as to why those answers apply to my EQ. My mentor gave me many answers to my EQ and many reasons as to why they were legitimate and it was my job to find others who would narrow them down and give me specific information that I could use for my research and presentations.
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