Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Blog 15: Independent Component 2 Approval

Carl La Russa



Blog 15: Independent Component 2 Approval

1.) For my Independent Component 2, I plan on working with my mentor on securing a deal with Bendix, a company that sells safety cameras for commercial vehicles. By securing this deal, my mentor will be able to purchase fifteen cameras, install them into his client's mini-buses and connect them to Sygmatech's tracking units so that they can stream video data to my mentor's computer server and ultimately to the client. Currently, my mentor and I are awaiting approval from the client in San Diego, but once my mentor's client gives us the go ahead, we will order the cameras and schedule a time to go down to San Diego and install them into the min-buses. Along with the camera deal, I will also be helping my mentor order components for one of his clients in Louisiana that is starting up a fleet business who wants tracking units in his vehicles that will have an independent power source but still be able to track the vehicle's location and speed. Although my mentor isn't planning on traveling to Louisiana to install the units himself, it leaves him with more responsibility in terms of providing detailed installation instructions and other critical information to the people who will be working with the units that will be needed in order for the units to work properly. This project will require my mentor and I to create charts and/or diagrams that illustrate the installation process and make sure that all the components needed for the installation will arrive on time and in one piece. 

2.) While I'm completing my hours for Independent Component 2, I will be documenting everything that I'm doing by taking pictures and posting those pictures along with my Extra Posts every month. The pictures included in the Extra Posts will come with detailed explanations of what is going on in the picture and what I was doing at the time the picture was taken.

3.) By completing thirty hours for my Independent Component 2, I will have learned how my mentor's tracking system can be configured to support other devices such as surveillance cameras. It also allows me to experience how clients work with tracking systems and how they are able to fit it into their businesses to maybe save them money or identify a problem with their fleet. By working alongside my mentor, I can observe how he explains the different functions and uses of a tracking system to other people or companies that are interested. Using these observations, I can make my presentations in class better and I make sure I have the right information that will answer everyone's questions. 

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