Sunday, November 30, 2014

November Extra Post

   This month, my mentor and I have been working on getting several new tracking units up and going. Earlier this month, we were having problems with all of the old tracking units and were forced to ship them back to the manufacturer in Florida to have them evaluate the units. My mentor and I have also been planning for my independent component by calling  people for interviews and discussing what needed to be done in order for me to get thirty hours completed.

November Extra Post

   This month, my mentor and I have been working on getting several new tracking units up and going. Earlier this month, we were having problems with all of the old tracking units and were forced to ship them back to the manufacturer in Florida to have them evaluate the units. My mentor and I have also been planning for my independent component by calling  people for interviews and discussing what needed to be done in order for me to get thirty hours completed.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Blog 10: EQ

Carl La Russa
Blog 10

1.) "I reviewed the rule of three for writing an EQ."

     a.) No, it is too specific and it won't allow the person to find enough research
     b.) Yes, it is general enough so that the person can find a decent amount of research on the the    question.
     c.) Yes, it provides the author enough room to gather a sufficient amount of research.
     d.) No, too specific, not enough breadth and depth.

3.) Who benefits most from vehicle tracking software?

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Blog #9 Lesson Reflection

Carl La Russa
Blog #9 Lesson Reflection

1.) I was proud of all the props and things that I brought in to show everyone during my presentation because I felt like the other presentations that I saw where not engaging with just speech and pictures. I also believe that I presented more about my actual topic and how I work with it during my mentorship.

2.)   a.) P-
       b.) I believe that I had great eye contact with my audience, I never looked down at notes or at my props and I also had good volume, everyone was able to hear what I was saying. The content I presented was also relevant towards my topic and I thought I presented a bit more about my actual topic than others did. 

3.) The props, showing everyone the actual units and the iPhone tracking application really captured everyone's attention during my presentation.

4.) I would've had a much better conclusion, I think just ending my presentation didn't cut it and I believe I was graded down for it.